The New Nursing Student
Dr. Ingrid Simkins
As we always discuss the first day of nursing school, your first responsibility is to know yourself! Recognize your biases and leave them at the door. If you can’t acknowledge each person for their unique self, other career options are available. You need to treat every person as if they are your most adored member of your family and care for them as you would wish them to be cared for. None of us will be a diversity expert or culturally competent across all cultures, but we all have the capacity to be sensitive to each individual and their needs.
My name is Diversity (a poem)
Dr. Grace Paul
My Name is Diversity
I come in various forms
I come in various shapes
With unique physical attributes
Doesn’t matter, accept me for who I am!
Because I am who I am!
My gender is male, female, either, neither or fluid
I am a gay, lesbian, straight, bi, pan, or asexual
I am a veteran, differently abled, young or old
Doesn’t matter, accept me for who I am!
Because I am who I am!
I come from one race, or a mixture of races
My ethnicity is varied, from any part of the world
Native to the land, or an immigrant
Doesn’t matter, accept me for who I am!
Because I am who I am!
My culture, my food, my customs
My religion, my language, my rituals
Rich, poor, lower, middle, or upper class
Doesn’t matter, accept me for who I am!
Because I am who I am!
Take the time to know me
I am awesome and beautiful
Just the way I am
With uniqueness abound!
Talk to me, listen to me
Look at me, and include me
Respect me for what I am
Because, I am who I am!
I may look and sound different to you
But we can learn from each other
I am not a statistic
To represent diversity
Or inclusion
But an individual no matter
With so much to offer
I matter! Accept me for who I am!
Because I am who I am!
When you accept me for who I am
There is empathy in the world
Prejudices are removed
There is more tolerance
And therefore, less violence
Accept me for who I am!
Because I am who I am!
There is peace, love and understanding
Inspiration, Motivation and Hope
Better decision making all around
A better world for all of us
Do accept me for who I am!
Because I am who I am!
I am understood
I am valued
I am cherished
I am embraced
I am ubiquitous
Because I am who I am!
And my name is Diversity!