If you were forced to make a choice between two difficult situations, which would you choose? The lesser of two weevils, of course.
I don’t know about you guys, but I am faced with this type of decision nearly every day. I could come up with a million examples.
For me, it always involves my ability to see into the crystal ball and guess the future outcome of a situation based on past errors in calculation. Generally it is impossible to avoid regrets, so you have to figure out which is less torturous to the most people involved.
Here is my formula for difficult situations.
- Consider my own sanity and wellbeing first and foremost. While this may appear selfish at face value, everyone else is ultimately affected if you become insane and unwell because of your decision.
- Consider others’ happiness and wellbeing. It is nice to see people smile and get their way. I have young children, I know this. But if there is a valuable lesson to be learned in the process, sometimes the bandaid will do more harm than good. Always consider the long term outcome.
- Consider kindness. If you are not kind in your delivery of your decision, regardless of the level of cruelty, it is your lack of kindness that will come back to bite you in the end. Always deliver gently.
- Consider who else is affected. If my family is affected in a negative way, it is a deal breaker. My family comes first.
- Consider the 4 agreements (Be impeccable with your word, Don’t take it personally, Don’t make assumptions, Always do your best). All communication should be routed through these four agreements. Everything that has ever gone wrong in my life has been a result of my choice to ignore one of these.
Every difficult situation should be handled differently based on the circumstances. There will never be a perfect formula. We learn from our past mistakes and make better decisions as we get older and wiser. But we can still make bad decisions even if we are old and wise!
Consider the formula, choose the lesser of two weevils, and take that giant leap of faith that you have made the best decision given the circumstances!