Last weekend I was spending an inordinate amount of time wandering aimlessly (on purpose) around a bookstore, when several titles got my attention (or “caught my eye,” if you’re into painful clichés). I thumbed through them and decided I wasn’t interested in reading them, especially since the “To Be Read” section on my bookcase is much bigger (almost the entire bookcase) than my “Have Already Read” section (one shelf).
But one title in particular stood out: The Girl Who Married a Ghost. I thought about how many of my students often settle for essay titles like “Comparison-Contrast Essay” or “Definition Essay” or even just “Essay.” I realized that this title might come in handy as an example that attracts the reader’s attention. Browsing around, I found more titles that jumped out at me. And since I’m always looking for inspiration for classroom ideas, I typed them into the “Teaching Notes” on my phone:
The Girl Who Married a Ghost
The Baby on the Car Roof
Sleepwalk With Me
A Burglar’s Guide to the City
Monkeys with Typewriters
I’m looking forward to bringing the girl who married a ghost into my classes. Am I referring to the title of the book or an actual girl who married a ghost…? With a little time and effort, maybe both….