Countdown to Reality

Last evening, a chance of winning the Powerball lottery prompted my unrealistic of dream of “What would I do if…??? 45 minutes was all that stood between me and some unimaginable amount of cash. I told my husband, “Enjoy the next 45 minutes because our life is going to change at 8 o’clock.”

During those 45 minutes, I basked in the dreamy thoughts of my philanthropic calling…starting an organization to fund the charity work of others. I imagined myself sitting at a board room table listening to the enthusiastic ideas of concerned people who want to make the world a better place. Wow…just think of the ripple effect…this is going to be awesome…

45 minutes later, the reality buzzer rang as the winning lottery numbers failed to appear on my ticket. OK. Whatever. It’s fun to dream.

My take away: What we dream today can create our reality tomorrow. Maybe yesterday’s dream is moving me toward explicit action to make a positive difference today and in the future. Maybe the lottery dream was just a warm-up for my real philanthropic future.


2 thoughts on “Countdown to Reality”

  1. Right on! Your ending nailed it.

    Time is just as valuable as cash to philanthropy. If you don’t have one you can use the other. There are so many good organizations out there trying to make a real difference in people’s lives. As a treasurer of a non-profit, I can promise that getting people to help is just as hard if not harder than getting people to fund. For me, it was all about finding an organization and director that mirrored my goals. I was lucky I found both on my first go.

  2. Wow- thanks Paul. Now your comment is creating ripples to encourage my dream and keep me focused on future good work. I’m moving in the right direction…


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