I am a Teacher!

When I tell people I work at a community college, they usually ask if I teach and I always say no I work in the business office. Earlier this week I realized that I do teach, but my students are not enrolled in courses taught at GCC, my students are the faculty and staff at GCC. We know in the Business Office that it is not easy navigating the fiscal processes. On the Fiscal page of our website it says, “Our goal is to provide employees with the tools and guidance necessary to secure the goods and services essential to providing a quality learning experience to our diverse student population.” We are here to teach and guide and we do that so we can all succeed in our jobs and not pull our hair out while doing it.

As a fellow employee stated to me earlier this week, “Every day is a learning experience.” I am glad I make a small contribution to the overall learning going on at GCC.


4 thoughts on “I am a Teacher!”

  1. Kim, your blog post really hit the nail on the head: we are all teachers, in one way or another. Good reminder, thank you!

  2. I can attest to Kimberly’s posting. She has been wonderfully patient with my many questions on the procard process. Thank you again, Kimberly!
    Mary Jane

  3. Yes, I agree that we are all teachers! On the flip side, I think we are all constantly learning, too. I especially enjoyed how your post used the phrase “teach and guide” because teaching definitely involves both aspects. Kimberly

  4. You are a great teacher, Kim! You have taught me a thing or two because I know nothing about your side of the house. We truly are a community of learners and teachers!


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